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 Recreation » Guns » Organizations » North America » United States

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NRA-affiliated club provides information on their USPSA, IDPA, and SASS clubs. Details about rifle range, pistol bays, and shooting arrays available.


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NBHFC is a local hunting and fishing club located in rural PA.


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Organization formed to promote and encourage the sports of shotgun, rifle, and pistol shooting, and archery. News, match schedule, range rules, and links. Located in Perry, OH.


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Features news about club meetings, shooting match results, calendar of events, and photos of tournaments and shooting events.


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Shooting sports, muzzle loading, pistol, shot gun, archery, hunting and wildlife. The creation of 4-H Shooting Sports programs rest in the shooting and hunter education communities, the arms and ammunition industry and 4-H itself.


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Information about the Lowcountry Friends of the NRA


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Member only club for Skeet, Trap and 5 stand sporting slays.The club is located 20 miles from Boston, MA.


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 58 - Juneau Gun Club Browse Website open in new window
Local NRA affiliated group features shooting events, match results, news from their public range, and membership information.


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News and information about the University of El Paso Rifle Club women's team.


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Includes New York state gun and handgun rules, laws and pistol license information, local stores, newsletter, and list of ranges, clubs, and events.


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