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 Recreation » Guns » Organizations » North America » United States

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News, contact information, directions and schedule of events for the club located in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Includes schedule of New England regional gun shows.


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Offers a list of officer contacts, membership information, a directory of clubs and ranges, event schedules, and details of pending legislation.


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Located on nearly 500 acres which is a combination of riverine woodlands, streams, rolling hills, and contoured cover fields. Offers extended upland game hunting and year-round clay target shooting.


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Rainbow Trout Ranch and Gun Club - Trout Fishing, Sporting Clays, Gun Club, Rainbow Trout - Rockbridge, Missouri


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The Michigan Technological University rifle team. Member biographies, links and contact information.


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Gun club for shooting enthusiasts including pistol, rifle, trap and skeet. Includes membership information, programs, schedule and location.


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An open non-profit club that promotes, friendship and mutual benefit for the collector, preservation, use and study of arms and their accessories


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 28 - Classic Pistol Browse Website open in new window
Classic Pistol Indoor Range where you can shoot pistol, rifle, handgun, shotgun and full-auto.


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Boulder Rifle Club and Shooting Range was founded in 1923 and has two gun ranges within Boulder, CO.


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Membership pheasant hunt club located in Southern Wisconsin featuring no bag limit!


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