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 Recreation » Pets » Dogs » Breeds » Livestock Guardian Dogs » Maremma Sheepdog » Breeders

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   10

Breed description and photographs. Bellingham, Washington, United States.


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Features breed characteristics, pictures, and puppy news. Abruzzo, Italy. [Italian, French and English]


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 3 - Parcodaini Browse Website open in new window
Photographs, frequently asked questions, history and statistics on the breed in Holland, and litter announcements. The Netherlands. [English, German and Dutch]


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 4 - Dei Tratturi Browse Website open in new window
Introducing their dogs with photographs, breed characteristics and history, and pedigrees. Belgium. [Dutch, English, Italian and French]


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 5 - Maremma Breeder Browse Website open in new window
Includes photos and breed details. Scotsburn, Nova Scotia, Canada. [not suitable for all browsers]


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Raising Maremma Sheepdogs and Border Collies. Provides pictures, history, and information on the work and training of the dogs. Italy. [English and Italian].


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Offers photos, pedigrees, and litter announcements. United Kingdom.


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 8 - Pine Ridge Browse Website open in new window
Provides kennel history, pictures and breed description. Wyalusing, Pennsylvania, United States.


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 9 - Charlian Browse Website open in new window
Features kennel history and breed information. Cheshire, United Kingdom.


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 10 - Groveland Farm Browse Website open in new window
Breed information, pictures of their dogs and litter announcements. Poplar, Wisconsin, United States.


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