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 Recreation » Pets » Dogs » Breeds » NonSporting-Utility Group » Boston Terrier


Breeders (36) Chats and Forums (8) Clubs (4)
Pets (18) Rescues and Shelters (16) Web Rings (3)

 Web Pages    1 - 6   of   6

Breed origins and standards, clubs, care, health, rescue, and resources.


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Official breed description as set down by the American Kennel Club.


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Subscription and back issue ordering.


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Animated dogs play musical instruments and invite other breeds to enter a contest to win a place playing with the band.


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 5 - The Boston Site Browse Website open in new window
Magazine, message board, rescue links, photo gallery, merchandise, and web ring.


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Covers many issues of health that commonly effect Boston Terriers.


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