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 Recreation » Pets » Fish and Aquaria » Freshwater » Species » Killifish


Organizations (21)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   10

Much information on the genus Oryzias may be found here.


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Guide to care, feeding, and breeding of killifish, including a database of species-specific information, user-submitted spawning reports, and a photo gallery.


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Database of information on West African killies including photos, history, references, populations and ranges, meristics (water parameters), and breeders' notes, sorted by genera.


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Photos of many different species and collections of killifish, and of the authors' 160-aquarium fishrooms.


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The SAA is a worldwide group of aquarists dedicated to maintaining, breeding and studying South American annual killifish.


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 6 - Shene's Killies Browse Website open in new window
Photographs of about 50 species/variants of killies, fishroom layout, breeding articles, and available fish listings.


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 7 - KillieTalk Browse Website open in new window
Subscription page and searchable archives of an e-mail list for discussing killifish keeping.


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 8 - Killitank.dk Browse Website open in new window
A beginners' guide and photo gallery.


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A page devoted to Cynolebias, including an interesting story about the Emperor of Japan.


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Online posting of a club newsletter article on spawning these fish.


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