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 Recreation » Picture Ratings

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   61 Back to Picture Ratings Home 

 11 - Rate Desi Browse Website open in new window
Rate pictures of fellow desis. Features hottest males and females lists.


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 12 - Drunk or Not? Browse Website open in new window
Visitors rate people's level of inebriation on a scale of 1 to 10.


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 13 - Your Face Sucks Browse Website open in new window
Picture ratings for those who want to prove that their face doesn't suck.


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 14 - Rap Hunnies Browse Website open in new window
Vote on and rate pictures of Rap Hunnies. Features top and bottom 10 lists.


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 15 - Cute Meter Browse Website open in new window
Users can submit their own photos to be ranked, see latest members or participate in the chat room. Who is cuter and 1 to 10 ranking.


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 16 - Prejudge Me Browse Website open in new window
Photos are rated on a variety of questions involving appearances.


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 17 - Rank My Photos Browse Website open in new window
Submit and rank photos on 1-10 scale, hot or not and a shootout mode. Has top ten or bottom ten ranked photos, and categories for men, women, couples, bikini shots, bare-chested men and cars.


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Users can view and rate snapshots of everyday life or upload their own.


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 19 - IGotLooks.com Browse Website open in new window
Includes rankings for guys, girls and both. Also has a funny pictures section.


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Includes messages, profiles, top 10 and chat rooms.


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