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 Recreation » Picture Ratings

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   61 Back to Picture Ratings Home 

Users vote to eliminate pictures, so only the hottest remain. Features a college edition that pits colleges against one another.


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 22 - Rate My Pecs Browse Website open in new window
Photographs of men showing off their chest muscles.


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 23 - Mom or Dad Browse Website open in new window
Users can choose which parent a child most resembles.


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 24 - Ten or One Browse Website open in new window
Photographs of males and females. Forum.


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 25 - Fotolove Browse Website open in new window
Photo sharing and critique community, for technical and aesthetic merits. Registration required to rate.


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 26 - ApnaSpace Browse Website open in new window
Image rating and social networking for Desi, Indian and Pakistani youth from around the globe.


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 27 - Rate My Mug Browse Website open in new window
Meet and rate images of guys, girls and couples.


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 28 - Bid on Dates Browse Website open in new window
Rate, bid, date based on user photos.


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 29 - LikeMyBody.com Browse Website open in new window
Users can rate photos of men or women and read submitted comments.


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 30 - What a Looker! Browse Website open in new window
Rate pictures of others or submit your own photo and look what rating it gets. Top rated members are awarded a prize.


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