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 Recreation » Picture Ratings

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   61 Back to Picture Ratings Home 

 41 - HumanScore.com Browse Website open in new window
Rate more than 10 qualities of people all over the world.


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 42 - Me or you.com Browse Website open in new window
Rate pictures of two celebrities or regular people to determine who is the better looking.


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 43 - Rate My Face Off Browse Website open in new window
A new twist on the old rating concept where two faces faceoff and a user votes for the favorite. [popups]


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 44 - Rate Pictures Browse Website open in new window
Rate girls or guys. Top 10 lists for girls, guys and newest members.


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 45 - Planet Face Browse Website open in new window
Visitors rate members pictures on a scale of 0 to 11. Features top 11 women and bottom 11 women pages.


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 46 - Mirchi or Not Browse Website open in new window
View the desi people and rate them for the best there.


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 47 - Rate People Browse Website open in new window
Rate people's pictures that they have submitted, or submit a picture to be rated. Semi-anonymous email, notes and local searches.


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Rate the visual appeal of people, or upload a picture and get it rated. Includes a top/bottom list for males and females, personal message boards, and a regional/age search feature.[popups]


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 49 - Show Your Pic Browse Website open in new window
Rate people's pictures or submit a picture to be rated. Includes discussion forum.


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 50 - 2 Rate Me Browse Website open in new window
Rate pictures of guys and girls. Top 11 list.


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