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 Recreation » Travel » Travelogues » Asia » Indonesia


Bali (5)  

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Join the second travelogue of Charles Cremers on-line, and read his first one. Is not only fun, it also reveals keypoints in the cultural interchange between Western and Asian people.


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Pictures from a funeral, which the author was invited to while backpacking there.


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While the writer sat 50 metres down the beach staring at the stars, divers in the next resort were being rounded up by gunmen. This is the start of this unusual travelogue on an island off Borneo.


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An account of a two month trip to Indonesia and the United States, with the Indonesian part spent climbing volcanoes in Java.


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Pictures of Indonesian landscapes. West Java coast: Anyer. Sumatra: Bandar Lampung, Way Kambas, Lake Ranau, Palembang, Bukittinggi, Minangkabau, Lake Toba. Coast of South East Sulawesi and Buton. Java: Borobudur, Prambanan, Parangtritis, Bandung. (Web...


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