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 Recreation » Living History » By Historical Region » Europe » Antiquity » Roman Legions

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California-based group re-enacting a first century (C.E.) legion. History of original Tenth, and information on the Roman army: tactics, uniform and armour.


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A Basel, Switzerland-based group re-enacting second-century (C.E.) civilian life in the Roman city of Augusta Rauraci and legionary life in the nearby legionary camp of Vindonissa. Photos of re-enactments, schedule of events, filmography of movies set...


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Re-enactment group concentrating on the period of Roman occupation of Scotland in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. Activities, photographs, group origins, and links.


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 14 - Legio X Gemina Browse Website open in new window
Nijmegen, Netherlands-based unit re-enacting the first-century (C.E.) legion. Battle history of the original legion, description of equipment, photos of re-enactments.


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A Cincinnati, Ohio-based group re-enacting second century (C.E.) Roman legions stationed in Germany. Bibliography and contact information.


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