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Annual four-day festival. Entertainment, driving directions, volunteer opportunities, brewers, family activities, and FAQ.


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Annual festival held each October in Yakima, Washington. Participating breweries, ticket ordering, musical acts, FAQ, and driving directions.


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Held annually on Father's Day, in Kenmore, Washington. Sponsored by the Washington Brewers Guild.


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 14 - Kennett Brewfest Browse Website open in new window
Annual festival in Kennett Park, Pennsylvania.


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Features over 100 beers from over 20 countries at shows in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. Includes beer list, glossary, sponsors, directions, event and volunteer information. Held annually in late June/early July.


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Annual outdoor festival near California's Eastern High Sierra. Fifty craft brewers as well as Blues acts from around the U.S. Held in Mammoth Lakes each August.


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Hundreds of microbrewed beers from over a dozen Maryland breweries are featured along with food and live music. Includes schedule, participating breweries, sponsors, and exhibitor information.


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Information about the Annual Great Arizona Beer Festival, Made in the Shade Beer Tasting Festival, and the Great Tucson Beer Festival. Features newsletter updates and links to each festival.


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San Diego's oldest and largest microbrew tasting event on September 19, 2003. Includes participants, history, map, and ticket information.


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Held in Syracuse, New York. Information, sponsors, vendors, performers, participating breweries, past events.


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