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Annual festival held in New York City in October. Participating brewers, lodging information, tickets, participating brewers, pictures from past events, and weblog.


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Three annual events held in Columbus, Dayton, and Cleveland, Ohio.


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Annual festival each August in Joseph, Oregon. Lists scheduled performers and featured breweries, lodging information, and ticket sales.


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Modeled after the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Offers entertainment schedule, kids' activities, sponsor list, merchandise, and information on volunteering.


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Annual music and beer festival in Westford, Massachusetts.


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 36 - AleFest Columbus Browse Website open in new window
Annual festival that benefits Ohio Special Olympics.


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 37 - UnTapped Browse Website open in new window
Annual music and beer festival in Kennewick, Washington. Ticket and general information, participating brewers and musicians, lodging information, volunteer opportunities.


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Annual festival held each June in Chico, California.


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Located at the historic Milwaukee Depot in South Cle Elum, Washington. Microbrew samples, live local bands, as well as the train museum and railyard tours.


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Annual Seattle event focused on Pacific Northwest brewers. Brewers, sponsors, and driving directions.


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