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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Beer » Events » United States

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   63 Back to United States Home 

 41 - Hops in Humboldt Browse Website open in new window
Annual festival featuring brewers from the redwood coast of California and Oregon. Information, map of the festival, pictures of past events, participating breweries, and prize details.


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Held annually in June in Hartland, Wisconsin and sponsored by the Lake Country Rotary Club.


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 43 - Newtown Brewfest Browse Website open in new window
Newtown, Pennsylvania beer and blues festival. Directions, FAQ, breweries, musicians, and ticket information.


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One-day celebration of Rocky Mountain craft breweries in Bozeman, Montana.


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Held annually at the Split Rock resort in Lake Harmony, Pennsylvania. Breweries, seminars, lodging packages, vendors, and homebrew competition details.


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 46 - Beer on the Pier Browse Website open in new window
Held annually in Chicago and New York. Includes details about brews, sponsors, music, and tickets.


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 47 - Buffalo Brewfest Browse Website open in new window
Annual festival held each August in Buffalo, New York.


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Annual festival sponsored by Madison County, New York Historical Society.


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Annual festival held in Knoxville, Tennessee during October. Information on live entertainment, brewers, sponsors, tickets, and driving directions.


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 50 - Midwest Beerfest Browse Website open in new window
Sponsored by the Wichita, Kansas Chapter of The American Institute of Wine and Food. Charity auction, participating breweries, vendors, and seminars.


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