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Annual (November) showcase of Maine microbrewers. Past and upcoming events including tickets, entertainment, merchandise, hotel information and participating breweries.


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Annual festival at Fort Mason, San Francisco, California.


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Held annually each October in Tucson, Arizona. Information, driving directions, sponsor and exhibitor information.


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Annual event at Maryland State Fairgrounds. Includes exhibitor information.


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Annual autumn festival held in Providence, Rhode Island. Forms for exhibitors and competitors, tickets, sponsors, participating brewers, nearby lodging, directions, and merchandise.


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 26 - Beer Summit Browse Website open in new window
4 annual beer festivals including the Boston Beer Summit, Boston Oktoberfest, Brew-SKI weekend and the Boston Winter Jubilee. All beer festivals focus on the apperication and understanding of good beer.


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Sponsors multiple beer and music festivals in California.


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Annual festival held in June in Stevenson, Washington.


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Annual event held in Eugene, Oregon to benefit the Glen Hay Falconer Foundation. Photos, events, homebrew contest, and general festival information.


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A three-weekend festival held annually in Leavenworth, Washington.


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