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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Personal Pages » United States

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Storm Chase information as compiled and presented by Sam Barricklow. Includes Storm Chase reports, Storm News and Archives with photographs of tornadoes, floods, lightning, hail, and storm chasers. (Garland, TX)


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Paul Herrman with information applicable to ham radio. Topics include repeaters, echolink, VOIP, satellites, digital, solar propagation, space conditions, and MUF. (Sierra Vista, AZ)


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Photos of ham radio operators, ham shacks, antenna farms, contest stations, ham collectibles, and dx recordings in real audio format.


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Original articles, antenna modeling notes and antenna design information from L. B. Cebik.


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Ronald Fields in Katy, Texas with law enforcement information, live police scanner feeds and requirements for Texas State Troopers.


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Michael Burkhardt's Ham Radio Shacketeria has station information, photographs, and interactive morse code practice exams. Includes ham radio flash cards.


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Personal journal of an average ham's adventures in amateur radio.


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Michael Yaworski with links to amateur radio clubs in southern California, manufactures, dealers, organizations, exams, and other informational sources.


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Christian amateur shares his hobbies and inspirations, free downloads, web and HAM radio tools, software tutorials, photos and links.


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Christian amateur shares his hobbies, interests, and faith.


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