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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Personal Pages » United States

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Station pictures, links, and New Jersey repeater information.


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Willis Asher shares information himself and his Kentucky-based amateur radio station.


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Jim Klingler offers a personal biography, information about his station, and humor. Also available are QSL card search, logbook listings, and links to resources. (Wetmore, KS)


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Michael Dinelli is located in Skokie, Illinois, 13 miles north of Chicago's loop. R. L. Drake web resource information. There is also information about learning and using Morse code.


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Dan Holben shares his photos, plus personal and station information.


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 46 - WC8J Projects Browse Website open in new window
The virtual ham shack of Rich Burgan with special emphasis on solar power, weather and satellite technologies. (Hilliard, OH)


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Features a weblog on ham radio issues, software downloads, and links related to DXing and contesting.


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The virtual shack of Mike Caughran; one of the hosts of the SolderSmoke podCast. Includes information on homebrew projects. (Juneau, AK)


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Virginia amateur offers tips on beam antenna design and construction.


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Les Buchholz's resources for DX, SSTV graphics, and Alaskan humor.


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