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Currently stationed in London, Bill Meara presents Gadgeteer, a site for electronic homebrewers, and is one of the hosts of the SolderSmoke podCast. Covers a variety of topics related to amateur radio and amateur astronomy. (US Diplomatic Corps)


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Cincinnati-based resource for local APRS activities. Includes repeater directory and links.


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Information on ham radio clubs, members, and activities in the Nevada area.


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A page on SSTV (Slow Scan TV) including where to get the software, hardware, and tips by David L. Woolstrum.


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Information about the author's station and QSL gallery.


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Minnesota HAM presents his station history, photos and links to many regional clubs.


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Amateur in Marietta, Georgia shares station and QSL information, and photos.


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Larry East provides online access to his articles on amateur radio equipment modification for QRP use. (Tucson, AZ)


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Sharon Gartenberg (also T99YR) featuring photos, contest information, links, and a little about the ham radio activities.


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Amateur radio at its finest, a family hobby the Ritterbusch Family Page. Bethel, CT Office of Emergency Management.


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