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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Personal Pages » United States

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Lawrence Thomas, Jr. with antenna construction hints and beverage antenna information. Tributes to Nikola Telsa and Harold Beverage with photos and inverted L information.


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 32 - K7USJ - 7J1AIL Browse Website open in new window
AP reporter, Steven Herman (K7USJ, 7J1AIL) of Henderson, Nevada and Tokyo, Japan, presents his favorite news links.


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Maryland amateur, David Stansbury, offers an automated Maryland weather station feed and data display, plus some local links.


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New England amateur offers a large collection of amateur and reference links.


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 35 - WA2NTK - W2NTK Browse Website open in new window
Ralph and Kristi Ferrara offer information about their station as well as operating modes and practices. Additional information includes QRP designs and theory. (Horseheads, NY)


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Includes station Info, DXpedition info, and contest scores.


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Information on VoIP and internet linking and APRS in the Birmingham, Alabama area.


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Jonathan and Sara Imberi has full duplex capabilities. With links to many interesting sites for amateur radio operators and information for those who are not.


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Offers articles, resources, a forum and additional station details.


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 40 - AE0Q / V31RY Browse Website open in new window
Glenn W. Pladsen with lots of pictures of ham radio operators and links to tattoos, information, software and related subjects


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