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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Personal Pages » United States

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Texas amateur presents ICOM product reviews, home-brew amplifiers and equipment tips.


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Karl Norton provides information about JNOS and AX25 utilities for Packet Radio on Linux. The site also covers the topics of homebrew, TCM3105, net105, and J-Pole antennas. (West Yarmouth, MA)


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160 meters band, top band with links by Kevin Forster


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Hector Padron QSL manager for CO7EH, with information on his Cuban homeland, his amateur radio station, and links to his favorite websites.


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Carl Starnes is active with the Carolina Slow Net (CNS) and on digital frequencies. His site is primarily limited to links to his associations, but also contains details about his digital station. (Stanfield, NC)


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The personal web site of Patrick Stoddard (WD9EWK/VA7EWK). Little technical information, but plenty about the operator. (Phoenix, AZ)


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Digital modes PSK31 and SSTV with software and manufacturer links from Len Freise.


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A US serviceman in Iceland shares his station photos, QSL information and his personal thoughts.


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California amateur presents station information, photos, links and free online Great Circle Bearing/Distance calculator.


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California amateur provides personal and equipment information, photos, events and links to construction projects.


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